Councillor Maurice St. Denis

maurice st. denis

Councillor Maurice St. Denis has lived in Morinville for over 36 years—the last 11 alongside his wife Melissa and their two boys Everett and Emerson. Maurice worked for the Town of Morinville while pursuing Post-Secondary studies—primarily in Parks and Recreation. Maurice earned a Master’s Degree in Educational Psychology from the University of Alberta in 2009 and has worked as an educator and mental health professional for the past 18 years. Maurice currently works as a School Councillor where he supports students and families who traverse significant cognitive, psychological and socioeconomic barriers.  

Maurice credits his passion for volunteerism and strong civic values to his parents, teachers and mentors who gave selflessly to their community. Maurice prides himself on approaching each situation with the highest degree of empathy and compassion and believes there is a place for his skills and strengths on Council. Maurice is excited to serve the community of Morinville in a higher capacity and is honoured to be a part of such a diverse Council. 

Boards and committees

Councillor St. Denis represents the Town of Morinville on these boards and committees:

  • Agricultural Pest Act Control Committee
  • Alexander First Nation / Town of Morinville Joint Partnership Task Force
  • Chief Administrative Officer Recruitment and Evaluation Committee
  • Emergency Management Committee
  • Homeland Housing
  • Morinville/Sturgeon County Intermunicipal Affairs Committee
  • Morinville Public Library Board
  • Sturgeon Regional Emergency Management Partnership
  • Subdivision and Development Appeal Board
  • Weed Control Act Appeal Committee

Expense claims

Council Expense Reports are posted tri-annually.