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Firefighter Prevention

  • The Fire Prevention Division of the Morinville Fire Department provides fire inspection services, public education in fire safety and works with Planning and Economic Development Department in regard to Fire and Building Code compliance. We are committed to ensuring the safety of the public by reducing the potential of fires throughout the Town of Morinville.

Fire Prevention programs and information are meant to help protect lives and property within our community. Our goal is to provide the resources to educate and inform residents, businesses and all occupants of the indispensable need to protect themselves and their property from any potential negative results due to fire. This is our best first response against fires. Fire Prevention is integrated with community, businesses, developers, contractors, owners, Town of Morinville infrastructure, the Alberta Fire and Building Codes, Safety Codes Council and Fire Operations (the responding firefighters.)

Our Safety Codes Officers provide public education, home and business inspections, and code enforcement within the Town of Morinville. We will be there to provide guidance and help to assure that the residents can be compliant with any codes, rules, regulations and laws required to make them, their properties and residents safe.

  • Every property within the Town of Morinville must adhere to the National Building Code (Alberta Edition), the National Fire Code (Alberta Edition) and the bylaws of the Town of Morinville.  It is your responsibility to comply with all necessary codes and bylaws. You must keep up with inspections and maintain your building and its systems as required.  The Town of Morinville has a Building Inspections Program that helps residents stay compliant with the Fire and Building code requirements.  For a checklist or guidelines for required occupancy inspection and testing see the links below.

    For an appointment or information please contact the Fire Prevention office at 780-939-7642 or email Fire Prevention to arrange an inspection of your business or occupancy.

  • The Fire Prevention office works with the Planning and Economic Development team to assist and maintain the guidelines set out in the Quality Management Plan (QMP) and the Alberta Safety Codes Council's Regulations. Officers within the Fire Discipline assure that the Town of Morinville and the occupancies within are compliant with the National Building Code, the National Fire Codes within Alberta and Town of Morinville Bylaws. We conduct Plans Reviews and work to help the Town of Morinville along with development approval, permitting, licensing, construction, demolition, renovation, and final occupancy for any project. We as well inventory all the buildings and residences and conduct inspections to maintain the standards within the QMP for the Town of Morinville and the Residents.  Guidance for building, renovating and developing within the Town of Morinville is guided by the planning and development team and its processes. 

The process should begin by gathering all the information about your planned project.  Do your homework and know what is required to complete your project from start to finish and any required maintenance of the occupancy.  It should include checking to see if your development, construction, renovation, demolition or hot works requires a permit, re-zoning or change of occupancy.  More that likely you will also require a Fire Safety Plan (see below.) The Planning and Economic Development and Fire Prevention offices are always available to answer any questions about the process or code requirements related to any project.

*Remember* If your project does not require a permit that you must still adhere to the Building & Fire Codes as well as any Town of Morinville Bylaws and including any relevant OH&S regulations while completing a project.

Most any project will require a Fire Safety Plan that is available on site for anyone working, visiting, living on site or responding to emergencies to use or reference in case of emergency.  It is a requirement of the National Fire Code (Albert Edition) and a copy should be submitted to the Fire Department at the time of building permit application.

A fire safety plan for occupancies establishes minimum requirements that provide a reasonable degree of life safety from fire and similar emergencies. Plans must comply with the Alberta Building Code, Alberta Fire Code and other applicable laws and regulations.  Owner, Renters, Leasers, Contractors or the people responsible for the site must post a copy and provide a copy for the Fire Department for review. Fire safety plans are a requirement of the National Fire Code (Alberta Edition) and they must be reviewed at least every 12 months to ensure that they take into account any changes in use or building characteristics. A fillable form is available at the links below or in the Resources section on the bottom of this page.

A fire safety plan is required for:

  •  Buildings with Fire Alarm Systems as required by the Fire Code
  • Any Hot Works, Hot Surface and Open flame projects
  • Small buildings, including housing and small building projects
  • Unoccupied building projects
  • Buildings less than 600 square meters
  • Structures three stories or less in height
  • Projects more than $5,000 in value.

Fire safety plans are not required for projects less than $5,000, such as:

  • A utility shed less than 10 square meters (108 square feet)
  • Re-shingling a roof
  • Installing eaves troughs
  • Reinstalling or replacing kitchen or bathroom cupboards without plumbing
  • Erecting a fence

Alarm Systems at home, schools, businesses or assembly occupancies are a great resource and tool for early detection of fire, heat and toxic gases and provide notification and actuation of suppression measures or system malfunctions.  Your systems ability to detect and transmit these hazards depends on the constant upkeep and maintenance of these systems.  Please assure your system is fully functional and have it inspected and maintained by a certified professional annually.  Please update your contact lists regularly and make sure at least one of the contacts is reachable at all times.  If we show up to an occupancy and can not contact a key holder the fire department may have to force entry and create unwanted damage to make access, as well it delays the time it takes to put out a fire or turn off a suppression system that may be flooding the property.

False alarms

If you have a false alarm it is your responsibility call the alarm company and advise them of the false alarm as soon as possible as to not tie up resources that could be used on an actual emergency.  Even if you put your code in the panel/keypad or silence the alarm please let the alarm monitoring company or the fire department know as soon as possible that there is NOT an emergency! Driving to your location is one of the most dangerous parts of our job, so to keep us safe please advise us of any false alarm as soon as possible. 

Handling, possessing, selling, purchasing, storing, transporting, and using explosives requires the appropriate education and compliance to assure the responsible safety and security of property and people. Fireworks can be a pleasurable fun experience as long as they are used in a safe, respectful and managed environment. Remember to check with the municipality you intend to use your fireworks in for permit requirements and discharge regulations. Fireworks can be purchased within the Town of Morinville but CANNOT be used or detonated anywhere within the Town of Morinville corporate limits or airspace without a permit.  Permits will only be available to accredited licensed professionals holding a current Fireworks Display Supervisory designation from Natural Resources Canada. Along with the designation a Fire Safety Plan must be submitted to the Morinville Fire Department with the proposed area for the display including the discharge times, arrival times of explosives, site plan, security plan, fallout areas, storage area, amounts and type of explosives, and all other personnel on site and their accreditations with the appropriate insurance coverage. Events may require the attendance/standby of the Fire Department for which a fee will be charged. Any responses, attendance, manpower, apparatus response time by enforcement or the fire department may be charged back to the offender(s). 

*Remember  You are responsible for ANY eventualities whether intentional or unintentional related to your explosives (fireworks.) 


Requests for display/discharge permits can be submitted to the Morinville Fire Department at

Sales/Vendor Permitting

All persons/businesses selling explosives (Fireworks) require a permit. It is the responsibility of the seller/vendor to know all of the requirements of the Canadian Natural Resources, Explosives Act, Transport Canada Regulations, National Building Codes and Fire Codes (Alberta Editions) and the Town of Morinville Fire Services Bylaw. In addition to the afore mentioned, the vendor must provide proof of all training mandated by The Canadian National Fireworks Association for all owners and staff. The location of the storage and sales must be compliant with the current Natural Resources Canada regulations, Explosives Act, Fire and building codes to assure the buildings are acceptable for storage/sales of explosives as per Natural Resources Canada and the Fire and Building Codes. (Occupancies connected to adjacent occupancies not protected by the appropriate fire rating/separations or have unacceptable occupancy classification will not be issued a permit.) The seller/vendor will be required to have the appropriate insurance in place to cover any possible negative eventualities related to the sale, purchase, storage, transport, and possible detonation/use whether accidental or intentional. ($5 million dollars is required by the Town of Morinville.). A completed Fire Safety Plan is required for the premises and available to all employees and staff as mandated by Natural Resources Canada and must be submitted to the Fire Department. It must include all response information, site and building drawings showing all current details including storage areas, sales areas, emergency response/suppression equipment, exits, lighting, emergency procedures, personal responsibilities, hazards, and site access. The premises must have the proper Fire Suppression as mandated by the NFPA, NBC(AE) & NFC(AE) 2019 and all owners and employees trained in their use.  Seller/vendors must have and provide all educational materials to purchasers as to how to safely store, transport and use/discharge fireworks. This information is to be supplied to purchaser by the vendor as required by all National, Provincial, municipal laws and the Canadian National Fireworks Association. Purchasers must be instructed by the vendor on how to safely use/detonate any purchased Fireworks or explosives as per Natural Resources Canada and the Explosives Act.  A log of this education is required along with the sales records. The names and addresses of suppliers/distributers will be required to assure only approved fireworks are sold/acquired as well as inventory quantities. Once all of these conditions have been satisfied a building/site inspection will be made to assure compliance. Periodic inspections will be held to assure the ongoing compliance with all the codes and regulations once a permit has been issued.

Requests for sales/vendor permits can be submitted to the Morinville Fire Department at

A permit fee of $200 will be charged for each Low Hazard Consumer Fireworks sales site at the time of permit issuance.  An annual fee of $200 for every year thereafter will be required.  A Current/Valid Town of Morinville approved Fireworks  Sales/Storage Permit(s) must be visibly posted at all times anywhere Fireworks are sold within the Town of Morinville.

Children are precious and a children's day care centre is supposed to be fun, educational and most of all safe. For the safety of each child it is important to have a plan in case a fire should occur. The town of Morinville has outlined the requirements for day care centres. 

The Lock Box Program is in place for the Town of Morinville to ensure that emergency access to your occupancy as required by the Alberta Fire Code is maintained.  If you have an alarm system, sprinkler system, elevator or any sort of restricted access, you will need to install a fire department Lock box.  Click the Link to get more information. 

If your occupancy requires a determination or calculation for the number of persons for which a building or part thereof is designed contact the Fire Prevention office for the verification of Fire Occupant Load Limits.  Once a determination has been made using the methods required by the National Building and Fire Codes a certificate will be issued to be posted in your occupancy.  Click the link to get more information. 

Fire pits are regulated under the Land Use Bylaw.  Prior to building a fire pit, you must apply for a development permit.  Fire pits must be inspected by a Fire Prevention Officer prior to containing a fire. You must review and follow the fire pit guidelines for the permit to remain valid.

The Fire Prevention office is involved in public education programs and community based resources for learning. We educate groups from preschool to high school that we engage by doing demonstrations and activities that emphasize and promote fire safety. We help guide residents through any fire related situations and requests to become as safe and compliant as possible.  We are here as a resource to help educate and inform everyone of the importance of fire safety.  Please contact the Fire Prevention office for information or to inquire about any of the many Fire Prevention programs.

 The Morinville Fire Prevention office has fire safety information and programs related to:

Holidays can be busy and joyous times, but holiday decorations and new toys can bring risks along with festive cheer. Stay safe by knowing how to manage the health or safety hazards of holiday items you bring into your home.

NFPA Holiday Safety Tips

MFD Holiday Safety Tips

For more information about Fire Prevention Week, and this year’s theme, “Learn the Sounds of Fire Safety,” along with a wealth of resources to help promote the campaign locally, visit


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