Plans Reports and Studies

This collection contains our reporting documents, guiding plans and supporting studies.

 Area structure plans/conceptual schemes
Area Structure Plans (ASP) are land use planning documents that provide a framework for the future subdivision and development of new areas within our community.
 Automated traffic enforcement annual report
 Community needs assessment
 Community recreation facility business case

This business case identifies the growing need for a recreation facility in Morinville.

Economic development action plan

Engineering Standards

Engineering Standards may be updated regularly. It is up to the applicant to ensure the most current Standards are being followed.

Fire services master plan
Highway 642 functional planning study

This study provides the technical foundation for examining land use and development potential along 100 Avenue.

Long range financial model summary analysis

Mobility strategy

The 2017 Mobility Strategy contains information and recommendations for future updates to our Transportation Master Plan.

Morinville brand identity guide

This quick guide explains the proper use and display of the Morinville logo within the corporate identity program.

Morinville community housing plan

This report examines the Town’s role in addressing affordable housing.

Morinville heritage survey

We are rich in heritage resources and seek to preserve heritage resources.

Morinville sustainability plan

Morinville’s first long-term strategic plan reflects our community values and aspirations for the future.

Morinville transportation study

 Planning primer
The Planning Primer details how and why change occurs within our community and provides suggestions on how you can get involved in the process.
 Parks. recreation, culture and trails master plan
This document provides suggestions and guidance in service delivery for parks, programs and facilities.
 Regional recreation facility master plan
The long-term planning document for municipalities within Sturgeon County.
  Regional recreation needs assessment
 This 2016 report highlights the various recreation needs within the region.
 Resident survey report
 Retail market analysis
This study provides a retail-commercial analysis highlighting retail opportunities.
 Roadmap towards a long-term tax strategy
 Rural housing and service needs
  Stormwater utility rates study
 Strategic plan 
Strategic plan reporting
 Transportation master plan
This report contains a review of the existing transportation network, analysis and recommendations.
 Traffic safety plan
Focuses on four driving behaviours including: speeding, distracted driving, crosswalk and pedestrian safety as well as intersection safety.
Utility Master Plan
 Morinville off-leash dog park report

This report details the criteria for the selection of a suitable location for an off-leash dog park.

 Quarterly reviews

These reviews highlight divisional data and initiatives for each quarter.

Quarterly reports

These reports highlight divisional data for each quarter.

  Water conservation plan

This report contains goals and outcomes related to water management in Alberta.