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Grants and Incentives

Community grant and support 

Morinville has established a  Community Grant and Support Policy.  The Community Grant and Support program is a strategic tool for community building by supporting  innovation and addressing community needs which are in line with Council's vision for Morinville.  Initiatives focused on attaining positive outcomes for the community may be funded through this grant program.
Eligible groups include:

  • not-for-profit community groups
  • teams
  • organizations
  • associations
  • residents of Morinville 

There are two funding categories for the Community Grant and Support.

  1. Community Grant: Apply for up to $2,500, applicant must match 50% of requested amount either in funds, in-kind or a combination of both. 
  2. Support Grant: Apply for up to $5,000, applicant may be requested to match 50% of requested amount either in funds, in-kind or a combination of both.

Community grant and support guidelines

For more information on application process and eligibility, review the Community Grant and Support Guidelines

Arts/Culture means the application should strengthen and develop literary, visual, performing, heritage and media arts. It should enhance access and annual participation in creative expression through initiatives that contribute to a vibrant cultural life.

Recreation/Sport development means the application will encourage active lifestyles and engaged citizenship within sport and recreation. The application will inspire the development of initiatives that encourages program design and delivery, active lifestyles, volunteerism opportunities, professional development for coaches/volunteers, leadership and events that are regional and provincial in scope.

Community development means the application should assist with hosting a significant local, regional, provincial and national program, activity or event within the Town of Morinville. 

Family and Community Support Services (FCSS) means the application should present well-designed preventative programs that improve the social well-being of individuals families and our community.

Intake deadlines

Community Grant


Application Deadline


Feb 15


Aug 15

*All applications for are due by 4 p.m. on the deadline day.

Support Grant

  • Applications accepted on an on going basis until available funds are distributed
  • Once the Support funding is fully distributed the grant will be closed until the following year.

*Once the Community Grant and Support funding is fully distributed the grant will be closed until the following year.

Submitting community grant and support applications

  • Submit your completed application to Community Services in one of the following ways:
  • For more information on addresses, please visit the Community Grant and Support Application forms.
  • If you require assistance with your application contact Community Services or call 780-939-7839 prior to the deadline. 
  • Applicants must select either the Community Grant or the Support Grant for their application and cannot apply for both simultaneously. In the event of an unsuccessful application, they may subsequently apply for the remaining grant.
  • Community Grant application will be reviewed and approved by Administration.
  • Support Grant application will be reviewed by Administration and approved by the CAO or Council.

Next steps after submitting

  1. Applicant will be notified if their application is successful or not.
  2. If approved, grant monies must be deposited within 30 days of being issued.
  3. Once the grant is approved, any modifications to the proposed initiative outlined in the application require prior approval from the Town of Morinville. Failure to obtain approval may result in a request for reimbursement of funds disbursed.
  4. Final reports for both the Community Grant and Support Grant are due 30 days after the initiative. Applicants that do not submit a final report will not be eligible to apply for future community grants until the final report is completed.
  5. If the initiative in your application is deferred or postponed, you can request an extension of up to 3 months from the event or within the 6 months of the approval date.
  6. If you cannot use the allotted funds due to cancellation or other reasons, the funds must be returned to the Town of Morinville immediately.
  7. Disagreement, questions, or appeals raised by an applicant may be forwarded in writing to the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) or designate for review within 14 days of receiving notice of the application outcome. The CAO’s or designate review and decision shall be considered final.

Consideration of application will be given only in the applicants meet the following criteria:

  • The applicants in a Morinville non for profit community group, team, organization, association or resident will have first priority.
  • The applicant may be from outside of Morinville if they are a not for profit community group, team, i, association with a supporting initiative within Morinville; and
  • Applicant must match 50% of requested amount either in funds, in-kind or a combination of both.

Eligible activities include:

  • Transportation expenses (ie. Bus/vehicle fee, plane or train ticket) 
  • Hosting tournament expenses
  • Hosting event expenses                                         
  • Accommodation expenses                                             
  • Specialized equipment expenses (ie. Technical and stage) 
  • Volunteer expenses                                
  • Contracted services expenses                                       
  • Facility Rental expenses
  • Program supplies
  • Marketing expenses
  • Capital expenses

Ineligible expenses include:

  • Staff wages, honorarium or expenses 
  • Alcohol and drug expenses                        
  • Expenses prior to application date range 
  • Flow through funds to other organizations 
  • Fundraising (Within Support Grant Council or CAO may provide applicant exemption for fundraising)
  • Fuel purchases

The maximum award for any one application is limited to:

  • Community Grant $2,500, applicant must match 50% of requested amount either in funds, in-kind or a combination of both. 
  • Support Grant $5,000, applicant must match 50% of requested amount either in funds, in-kind or a combination of both. 
In-kind expenses are:
  • Tangible items (ie food source, team supplies),
  • Expertise (rate of pay or fee for service,) up to $500,
  • Volunteer hours (current min. wage/hour) up to a max. of 25% of applicant’s contribution. (ie. If applying for $1000, in-kind volunteer hours cannot exceed $250 of the applicant's matching contribution)

Successful applicants are required to acknowledge the Town of Morinville in all promotional material.

- Applicants must contact Corporate Communications or call 780-939-4361 prior to use of the Morinville logo.

- Applicants should reference our branding guidelines.

Volunteer grants

Organizations within Morinville can apply for up to $200/per organization to contribute to the further development and celebration of their own volunteers. The grant for each calendar year opens to applications on February 15 and closes April 1. Approved organizations will receive confirmation on or before April 15 of the application submission year.

 Non-residential property tax incentive

The Non-residential tax incentive program is designed to stimulate the local economy by temporarily reducing the tax levy on new or improved non-residential properties.

You may apply for the non-residential tax incentive between January 1, 2023, and December 31, 2032.

Applications must be received within 365 days of the improvement being made available for use.

An eligible property shall receive an exemption in the first full taxation year following the improvement being assessable and available for use.

Note: the tax incentives policy does not apply to supplementary taxation.

Eligible applicants may receive the following tax exemptions: year one 75%, year two 50%. year three 25%.

To be eligible for tax exemption, the following criteria must be met:

  1. Construction of a new non-residential improvement with an assessed value of $250,000 or more, or a non-residential renovation/refurbishment that increases the assessed value of the property by $50,000 or more.
  2. Construction or renovation/refurbishment must have commenced on or after January 1, 2023.
  3. All necessary development and building permits required by the Town of Morinville must be in place and in good standing.
  4. Applicants must not be in violation of the Safety Code Act throughout the application and exemption process.
  5. The applicant must not have amounts owing to the Town of Morinville relating to property taxes, utilities, or any other fees and/or charges. 

To apply for the Non-Residential Property Tax Incentive, download and complete the Non-Residential Property Tax Incentive application form and return via email to Tax and Utilities.

Late, incomplete or ineligible applications may be rejected.

For additional information, please refer to the Non-Residential Property Tax Incentive Bylaw, or call 780-939-4361.

Community Services
Morinville Community Cultural Centre
9502-100 Avenue
Morinville, AB  T8R 1P6
Phone 780-939-7641
Map this Location

Town of Morinville
10125 100 Avenue
Morinville, AB  T8R 1L6
Phone 780-939-4361
Fax 780-939-5633


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