Perfecting your Squat
Improve your squat technique to ensure that your lifting mechanics are on point. This 3-session program will explore optimal alignment at the feet, knees, hips and spine and ensuring muscle engagement and correct breathing technique. Clients will be shown squat variations using hand weights, kettlebells, barbells, the Smith machine, and the squat racks. Clients will have a personalized squat program and confidence to squat to meet their specific training goals.
Perfecting your Bench Press
The bench press is a fundamental lift that focuses on the pectoral muscles typically using hand weights or a barbell. This 3-session program will explore optimal alignment of the wrists, elbows, shoulder girdle and spine to increase performance and reduce injury/discomfort. Clients will learn exercise variations using different bench positions, the Smith machine and racks, as well as spotting techniques. A personalized bench press program will be created for each participant.
Perfecting your Deadlift
The deadlift is a fundamental lift that takes time and patience to perfect. Technique, concentric and eccentric lift phases, muscle recruitment, posture and alignment all factor into a well-executed deadlift. Clients will explore various grips, use of the hex-bar, barbell, platform, hand weights and kettlebells. A personalized deadlift program will be created for each participant.
Optimal Shoulder Training
Understanding movement mechanics of the shoulder girdle and the uniqueness of your body is important when developing an effective shoulder program. Whether you want to just move pain-free or increase your size, this 3-session program will teach you a number of different exercises to train all three heads of your deltoids. You'll explore various equipment options including hand weights, barbells, cables, tubing and kettlebells. You will have a personalized shoulder program to help you accomplish your training goals.
Optimal Core Training
A strong functional core is needed at every stage of life for pain-free movement, powerful lifts, and confident posture. This 3-session program will explore training all the muscles of the core including internal and external abdominals, muscles that stabilize and support the spine, as well as exercises that promote safe spinal flexion, extension and rotation. You will use portable equipment, body weight and the cables to create your personalized core training program.