Property taxes are due by June 30 of each year.
We manage and maintain property tax and assessment information, including the issuance of tax certificates and property searches.
Please see our current Property Tax Bylaw here.
Paying your property taxes
Property taxes are due June 30 of each year. Any unpaid taxes after June 30 are subject to a 7.5% penalty which increases to 9% on December 31. See our Unpaid Property Tax Penalty Bylaw for more information. Please note that we do not accept credit card payments at this time
Payment options
In-person |
St. Germain Place (Civic Hall) 2nd Floor, 10125 100 Avenue, Morinville. Our hours of operation are Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (closed Holidays). |
By mail |
Town of Morinville |
Secure drop box |
You can use our secure drop box located at 10125 100 Avenue, Morinville, after hours or during weekends. |
Online banking |
You can pay online through your bank or by telephone/internet banking. |
Automatic Withdrawal |
You can set up automatic payments throughout the year through our Tax Instalment Payment Plan. |
Via Credit Card |
You can pay your taxes with credit card through Option Pay. For more information on Option Pay please click here.
To view the Option Pay fee schedule click here. |
School declaration
In Morinville, both a public and a Roman Catholic separate district exist. All individuals who own property located in a district where both a public school district and a Roman Catholic separate school district exist are required to file this notice when a property is acquired. An individual may file a notice at any subsequent time; however, completed and signed forms must be received by December 31 of the current year to take effect the following calendar year. Completed forms can be returned by email, fax or mail.
Property tax certificates
A tax certificate provides the roll number, legal description, property address, levy, current balance, arrears, and the monthly tax payment plan amount.
How do I order a tax certificate?
Requests can be made by submitting the Tax Certificate request form. Please be sure to include at least two of the following: name of current property owner, tax roll number, street address, legal address, title number or LINC number.
How much does a tax certificate cost?
A standard tax certificate is $40.00 (no GST).
Non-residential property tax incentive
The Non-residential tax incentive program is designed to stimulate the local economy by temporarily reducing the tax levy on new or improved non-residential properties.
You may apply for the non-residential tax incentive between January 1, 2023, and December 31, 2032.
Applications must be received within 365 days of the improvement being made available for use.
An eligible property shall receive an exemption in the first full taxation year following the improvement being assessable and available for use.
Note: the tax incentives policy does not apply to supplementary taxation.
Eligible applicants may receive the following tax exemptions: year one 75%, year two 50%. year three 25%.
Eligibility |
To be eligible for tax exemption, the following criteria must be met:
How to apply |
To apply for the Non-Residential Property Tax Incentive, download and complete the Non-Residential Property Tax Incentive application form and return via email to Tax and Utilities. Late, incomplete or ineligible applications may be rejected. |
For additional information, please refer to the Non-Residential Property Tax Incentive Bylaw, or call 780-939-4361.
Our operating and capital budgets
Annually, Council approves the Town of Morinville's operating and capital budgets. From the approved budget, we establish a mill rate (tax rate) that applies to property assessments. Read our Property Tax Bylaw for more information on the current years mill rate approved by Morinville Town Council.
Change of information
If you need to update or change information for your tax roll or utility account, please complete our Tax/Utility Change of Information form.
Note: Address changes are required by Alberta Land Titles for all tax rolls. For more information, visit Service Alberta.